
The Transport Administration Recommends Finalizing Pending Transactions in E-Services Before the End of the Year

The new year is approaching, and with it, the Motor Vehicle Tax Act will come into effect, introducing an annual motor vehicle tax and registration fee.

The Transport Administration urges vehicle owners to review their vehicle-related information in e-services before the year ends, complete any pending actions, or take unused scrap vehicles to a licensed dismantling facility. If you do not plan to use your vehicle, we recommend temporarily removing it from the traffic register via e-services.

If you plan to sell your vehicle through e-services in 2024, we advise against leaving ownership transfers to the last days of the year. This ensures both the seller and buyer have enough time to complete the transaction.

“This is important because the obligation to pay motor vehicle tax applies to the registered owner of the vehicle as of January 1. If the buyer does not finalize the ownership transfer before the new year, the tax liability will remain with the seller,” explained Joel Jesse, Director of Traffic Services at the Transport Administration.

We remind you that vehicles temporarily removed from the register or with suspended registration as of January 1, 2025, will not automatically be subject to the annual tax. However, if such vehicles are re-registered during the year, the tax will be calculated proportionally for the remaining days of the tax period. The Tax and Customs Board will send a notification regarding the tax.

The functionality for refunding the registration fee will be implemented starting July 1, 2025. This applies if a vehicle has been removed from the register for use outside Estonia. If the vehicle is removed from the register before this date, the registration fee refund will only be available from July 1, 2025.

For more information on the motor vehicle tax, including frequently asked questions and a tax calculator, visit the Transport Administration’s website.

The Transport Administration wishes everyone a peaceful end to the year!

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